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The world is in much chaos because of the COVID-19. Amid this  a widely circulated text message, attributed to French virologist Luc Montagnier, is being shared to claim that he said all the vaccinated people will “die within two years” and that there is no scope of survival.

It further goes on to state that he said they will “all die from antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)”. Another version of the viral claim also states that he blamed the vaccine for “creating” the variants.

The viral Whatsapp claim states that:

  1. “All vaccinated people will die within two years.”
  2. “The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”
  3. “Many epidemiologists know it and are “silent” about the problem known as “antibody-dependent enhancement.”
  4. However, we found that the claims made by Montagnier are unfounded and not backed by science or data.Further, the statement about people dying has been misattributed to him. But in an 11-minute-long interview, originally in French, the former Nobel laureate does talk against the vaccines and asserts that the effect will be known after two to three years.

A Twitter user shared the video with the caption: All vaccinated people will die within 2 years. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist stated bluntly: “There is no hope…” 

The US-based NGO, RAIR Foundation that aired his interview on May 18, 2021, published an article on May 25 addressing the claim that Montagnier spoke about vaccine induced deaths in two years and clarified that Montagnier never made any such claim.

“It’s unthinkable to vaccinate during a pandemic. They’re silent. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable the infection to become stronger. It is what we call antibody-dependent enhancement, which means antibodies favour a certain infection. It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination,” Luc said in the French interview.


Luc Montagnier had won the Nobel prize in medicine in 2008 for his discovery of HIV. However, he has made several claims in the past for which he has been criticised by the fraternity.

In early 2020, he propagated the oft-repeated conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is man-made. Though there is no evidence for the same, people like top US expert on infectious disease Dr Anthony Fauci has also called for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, stating that he is “not convinced” about the origin.

He has also made statements like “flu shots will kill COVID patients”, a claim disputed by the health experts. In the past, Montagnier has also supported anti-vaxxers, claiming that DNA emits “electromagnetic waves” and that DNA molecules can teleport in the past. Last year, Montagnier made his way to news headlines by propagating that the coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese laboratory. Montagnier told on France’s CNews that COVID-19 was “not natural” and suggested that this disease actually resulted from Chinese lab experiment.

Microbiologist and often referred to as India’s vaccine “God Mother” Dr Gangandeep Kang also took to Twitter to explain how the statement was “not true”. She wrote that the only way to “decrease variants is to not stop vaccination, but to increase it to stop virus circulation and replication!” However, the claims made by Montagnier are unfounded and not backed by science or data. Further, the statement about people dying has been misattributed to him. But in an 11-minute-long interview, originally in French, the former Nobel laureate does talk against the vaccines and asserts that the effect will be known after two to three years. Thus, the viral claim is false.