google-site-verification=WqnHxfioRgfcIW-2fxx-4d4ezSJmTvvojUECHm_9SbI WqnHxfioRgfcIW-2fxx-4d4ezSJmTvvojUECHm_9SbI

Several Bharatiya Janata Party leaders including Kapil Mishra, BJP’s Youth National Secretary Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga and BJP Delhi’s social media-in-charge Naveen Kumar Jindal shared a morphed image and took a dig at the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for ‘congratulating himself for installing 10 dustbins.’ Priorly, both the parties i.e.., Aam Aadmi Party and Bharatiya Janata Party have traded barbs and accused each other of spending crores on publicity rather than carrying out public works.

Hence, a morphed image of the CM is going viral with where in a hoarding a message is featured by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal praising his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led government for installing dustbins in Kirtinagar Industrial Area is viral on social media.

The viral image exhibits the hoarding which appears to be a metro station at Delhi. The text on the hoarding reads is in Hindi, which when translated reads, “Congratulations Delhi — ten new dustbins have been installed in Kirti Nagar Industrial Area.”

The post went massively viral on other social media platforms including Facebook and was widely shared by netizens.

Firstly, upon checking the comments section of the tweets with the viral image, many replies on tweets were found, which told that the viral picture has been edited. A few netizens also posted a purported original picture of the banner, which contained an advertisement by the Delhi government about the financial help provided to families who lost their loved ones to COVID-19.

Furthermore, fact-checker ‘SM Hoaxslayer’ found that the Twitter handle “@drapr007” had tweeted a high resolution (2048×2048 pixels) image of the viral hoarding. On looking closely at the high-resolution image, several discrepancies were found in the viral image. It seemed like the original words had been photo-shopped by mixing the blue background of the hoarding. Parts of the original word can be seen in the far left corner of the picture. Apart from this, there is no reflection of light on the word ‘Ho’ appearing on the hoarding, which makes it clear that it has been digitally added to that part of the picture.

On looking closely, one can also spot that the text is not aligned parallel to the edge of the banner border. Another notable difference is that when one zooms in on the image, the difference in the sharpness between the text and the Delhi Government logo can be seen. Also, the difference between the shade of white in both is quite clear and obvious, which proves the text is not a part of the banner and has been added digitally.
Also, the original banner was also spotted in another metro station, which made it more obvious. Moreover, the Times Of India newspaper dated July 9, 2021, had a similar image advertised, with the same photograph of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.

Several original billboards were also spotted here and there in the city, and hence, it became quite clear that the viral image was created by using editing tools. Thus, it clear that the viral billboard featuring Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is morphed to show the party is congratulating and praising themselves for installing 10 dustbins in Delhi. Previously, another hoarding was also morphed of AAP’s Gujarat, claiming Gujarat will offer Namaz and Hindu rituals should be abandoned.