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As the prices of food commodities have increased under the current NDA government, many right-wing ideologues are posting fake data to claim that in 2014 the prices of essential commodities were more than in 2021.

In 2014 (Under the UPA 2 regime) was higher than their prices in 2021 (Under the NDA regime). The post claims that in 2014, the Tur dal cost was Rs 210 per kg, while in 2021, the cost reduced to Rs 91 per kg. Similarly, Urad dal was Rs 178 per kg, which reduced to Rs 125, Moong dal was Rs 180 and now costs Rs 110, Sugar in 2014 cost Rs 45 and now is Rs 38. Chana Dal was Rs 125 in 2014, and now the price is reduced to Rs 64. A post that compares the LPG gas cylinder prices from 2011 to 2021 and the essential commodities prices between 2014 and 2021 is being shared on social media. This post claims that the prices of essential commodities in 2014 are much higher when compared to the prices in 2021. Social media users are sharing a post claiming that the rate of essential commodities. The caption in one of the posts says, “”I was going through the grocery price list & compared it with 2014 figures: *Tur Dhal* 2014 – Rs 210, 2021 – Rs 94; *Urud Dhal*: 2014 – Rs 178, 2021 – Rs 115; *Moong Dhal*: 2014 – Rs 180, 2021 – Rs 110; *Sugar*: 2014 – Rs 45, 2021 – Rs 38; *Chana Dhal*: 2014 – Rs 125, 2021 – Rs 64”

The price Monitoring Division (PMD) in the Department of Consumer Affairs is responsible for monitoring the prices of select essential commodities. The Department of Consumer Affairs monitors the retail and wholesale prices of 22 essential commodities (which includes rice, sugar, oil, and others) from 115 centres across the country. The 2021 essential commodities prices mentioned in the post are almost close to the actual prices. But the 2014 essential commodities prices in the post vary from the actual prices by a great amount. According to the Department of Consumer Affairs, Moong Dal’s cost is 97.26 rupees per Kg in 2014. But, it is mentioned as 180 rupees in the post. Similarly, a kg Urad dal cost 79 rupees in 2014 which is mentioned as 179 rupees. A kg of Tur dal cost 75.83 rupees in 2014 but is mentioned as 210 rupees in this post. From all these, it can be concluded that the 2014 essential commodities prices mentioned in the post are much higher compared to the actual prices.