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In today’s era of a rapidly changing world, to stay updated, we need to stay connected. The Internet has helped us modernizing a lot and made us aware of every new event and incident even from the farthest place. We can get any information at the tip of our fingers just in a few seconds. India being the second-most populous country also lies ahead in the number of cellphone users with or without an internet connection. The craze of the Internet has skyrocketed the figure of internet users in the country. Although, Internet users in the country are more likely to encounter fake news online than the global average and social circles are increasingly spreading risk,

According, to a recent Microsoft survey of a total of 22 countries, the stipulated rate of Indians who have encountered fake newsstands at 64 percent as compared to the global average. Indians are also higher than the global average when it comes to reporting severe pain from online risks, with 52 percent saying so as against the global average of 28 percent. The matter gets complicated as the country saw increased consequences from risks and little positive action taken following online risk exposure.

The Internet sure brings a handful of information in a blink, but also possess a great threat if the information is intended to use negatively. Millennials and teenagers are the hardest hit by online risks as they are getting too dependent on the internet as their daily needs and operating various social media handles. With AI taking over the technology era, our personal information does not stay only to us. Our private details could be leaked at any moment. So instead of randomly believing in every stuff and news, the internet brings to us we ought to know how authentic the site is and how genuine the news is before reacting in any certain way.