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Almost 10-30% of the adult population on the globe suffers from chronic insomnia. The nasty feeling of constant tossing and turning on the bed throughout the night is unbearable. This sleep disorder could get triggered by plenty of things, such as poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness, or any specific medication. Symptoms may include difficulty falling or staying asleep and not feeling well-rested.

Well, over time, experts have come up with a few hacks to get a person back to sleep from the ‘no-sleep’ cycle and to sever all the fidgeting.

Proper bed-time: No matter how tempting it might sound to sleep in for a couple of more hours or staying up late, you should never do that. Making a proper sleep schedule is necessary as the mind and body adapt to that routine. Any difference in the same could create a disturbance and might affect the sleeping pattern. 

4-7-8 technique: The 4-7-8 breathing method is a simple 5-step procedure that requires you to –

  1. Part your lips slightly and make a whooshing sound as you exhale through your mouth.
  2. Close your lips and inhale silently through your nose. Count to 4 in your head.
  3. Then hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  4. Exhale for 8 seconds.
  5. Complete this cycle for four full breaths.

Early dinner: Heading to bed, right after having your dinner is a big NO. Experts suggest having dinner two to three hours before bed. Doing so helps you relax your digestive system and allows your body to sleep early.

Cut Caffeine: Switching over to non-caffeine drinks can lead to higher chances of hitting the bed early. Drinking caffeinated beverages in the afternoon can also sabotage sleep. According to a 2015 study in Science Translational Medicine, caffeine not only gives us a jolt of energy but delays the circadian clock that tells us when to get ready for sleep and when to prepare to wake up.

Turn a few pages: Several studies have found that reading before going to bed improves and increasing the percentage of sound sleep. Good old-fashioned reading can help you relax, in part because getting engrossed in a story frees your mind from the clutches of day-to-day stresses.

Bore yourself: Well, nobody enjoys getting bored and the brain to be very specific hates it more than anything! Not indulging in any exciting activity reduces the dopamine level which can help your brain feel inactive and dull, and will help you fall asleep earlier.

Try bathing:  A hot bath may promote sleep because your core body temperature rises and then falls when you step out, mimicking what happens naturally gets you to feel drowsy. This manipulative technique can help your body relax and sleep quickly.

Reduce screen-time: Constantly gazing at the screen can make you anxious and more at unrest which might lead to sleeplessness. Our body’s internal clock is highly sensitive to the blue spectrum light emitted by the screens because it sends a signal to the brain that it’s daytime. Stepping away from television sets, phones, tablets, laptops, computers, etc, can do the trick.

Snack smart: We all more or less give in to our inner demons and satisfy those diabolic cravings. However, choosing what you eat can help your body feel light, switching to healthy foods instead can prove to be a blessing. This subtle process can bring a drastic impact on your body.

Try reflexology: Reflexology is often recommended to cure sleeplessness, with a particular focus on the pressure points on the ear and foot. Massaging your big toes for a couple of minutes, and also the center of your feet can relax the body and help you get a good night’s sleep.