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Several netizens are sharing a video, which went viral over the social media platforms, in which a man is seen complaining against the health infrastructure of India. In the 4:07 minutes viral video, the person who himself seems unwell talks about dying people and the disturbing condition of doctors during this pandemic. The original video by Navin Kumar, was posted on April 26, on his independent news channel Article 19 India and is part of a 34 minute long interview. The video has gone viral after the death of 41-year-old Sardana, a news anchor with Hindi news channel AajTak who died of a heart attack, post recovering from COVID-19.

The person seen in the viral video is journalist Navin Kumar, former journalist from Aaj Tak, who now owns his own independent YouTube channel, ‘Article 19’. The viral part from the video is from the interview where Kumar said, “I have never, in the last 40-45 years, seen doctors crying their eyes out…they did not come to this profession to see this day. Without oxygen, seeing their patients dying making them sleepless…This country has turned into hell. We are all left so helpless…for the generations to come, we need to see beyond the fights for mandir and masjid. They will think, which they should, that the country does not need temple, mazaar, and minarets… they should think that the country needs good hospitals… good schools… good medical colleges… the country needs good doctors and paramedic staff…”

After a reverse image search, a video from Article 19’s Facebook page was found where the longer version i.e. the original video was uploaded by Navin Kumar. Kumar himself interviewed two doctors on the pandemic, while he was down with COVID himself.

The video was shared with the caption, “A talk with Dr. Manish Jangra RMLH Founder FAIMA Doctors Association and Dr Sonu Kumar Bhardwaj LHMC on India’s health condition & VIP Culture in Hospitals.”

At the time stamp 1:10, he introduces himself as Navin Kumar. The viral clip begins at the time stamp 1:50. Dr Sonu Kumar Bhardwaj, a good friend of Kumar said, “Yes, we know his video is going viral with false claims. The video was recorded by my friend Navin Kumar and in fact I am one of the doctor’s he’s interviewing in the video. He is currently stable but in the ICU. I would request people to not share the video with any fake news around it.”

Thus, the viral video is fake and the video of journalist Navin Kumar is being falsely shared as the last moments of late anchor Rohit Sardana.