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The son of murdered former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and his Italian-born widow Sonia, Rahul was born on 19 June 1970, went to the finest Indian schools, going on to study economics in the US and work in London before returning to work in Mumbai in 2002. Gandhi’s decision to enter formal politics before the 2004 general election had taken many by surprise because for long, it was thought that his sister would be more likely to take over the family’s mantle of power.

But he took the plunge, stood for parliament in 2004 and won the traditional family constituency of Amethi.

In September 2007, he was named as the party’s secretary general, with his mother Sonia remaining as president, and in January 2013, he was appointed the Congress vice-president. He was appointed as the president of Congress in December 2017.

Meanwhile, a doctored screenshot of a BBC report is going viral over the internet, as mentioned in the viral screenshot which claims that Rahul Gandhi has been voted as the third most trustworthy political leader in the world

The viral screenshot shows a BBC report with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s photo. The headline of the report reads ‘Rahul Gandhi voted 3rd most trustworthy political leader in the world – Poll’. The alleged news report dates back to 11 Jan 2016 and is headlined as “Rahul Gandhi voted 3rd most trustworthy political leader in the world – Poll’. The lead of the news report reads, “An opinion poll conducted by WIN/Gallup International has rated Rahul Gandhi as the 3rd most “trustworthy” political leader after US President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi shares the 69th position in the poll ratings with Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

A Twitter user shared the viral screenshot, and wrote a caption which reads, “Not only in India even in world. Rahul Gandhi recognised as a trustworthy leader, So India needs Rahul for developed India.”

Meanwhile, another Twitter user has shared the same screenshot with a Hindi caption that translates to ‘Bhakts, if the burnol is over, get it from Pakistan. Rahul Gandhi voted 3rd most trustworthy political leader in the world. Congratulations’.

For checking the authenticity of the news, the purported claim was searched on the official news website of BBC, though any such news didn’t come up. Following which, upon searching further another article was retrieved which read, “Modi most trusted leader, Rahul distant second, find survey”, yet it was not related to the said claim whatsoever.

A keyword search with the keywords ‘Neglect and abuse: The lost boy and Japan’s parenting debate’ led to a 2016 BBC article. Similarly, keyword search with ‘Dark History: Looking into the massacres of Indonesia’s past’ returned a BBC article from June 2, 2016.
A media house, Factly reported that ‘The Gallop International survey organization had never conducted an opinion poll or survey on the world’s most trustworthy political leaders. The ‘World’s Trustworthy Leaders’ survey was never mentioned in the survey categories listed on their website.”

Thus, the viral image is morphed and old, Rahul Gandhi is not the 3rd most trusted leader in the world.

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