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Summer means heat, lots of sweating, dryness, skin problems like tan, sun burns, pimples, heat rashes, blemishes and much more. With the blazing sun of the summer months, you need to know how to look after the skin properly and look fresh and vibrant. As the weather gets warmer and humidity increases in the environment, your skin’s sebaceous glands start producing excess sebum (natural oil). The oil secreted gets stuck on the surface of the skin, leading to stickiness, grease and blocked pores.

Summer is upon us in all its glory. And with it, a whole lot of skin care issues too. Oily skin gets oilier, and dry skin gets patchy. There are breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness, and that acne just wouldn’t go away! Just a few simple changes in your everyday skin care regimen can ensure that you are all set to glow through this season too. Warmer temperatures mean it is time to change your skin care routine. The sunny summer can be pretty harsh on your skin if you don’t take care of your. So, just like your wardrobe, your skin care too definitely needs a seasonal change. Too much sun is bad for your skin. Not only can you get tanned but over exposure to sun rays can cause premature ageing of skin too. Our skin contains a pigment called melanin and too much exposure to sun causes more melanin to be produced. This is why a prolonged stay under the direct sun can cause a change in your skin colour or even tanning.

Here are a few simple and easy to go tips and tricks to beat the scorching heat waves of summer:

1. Face Wash to Remove Excess Oil

In summer, oily skin can get more oily. Use a face wash suited to your skin type that can deep cleanse and remove all the dirt and grime. People with dry skin would need a non-foaming cleanser. Opt for mild, alcohol-free and pH balanced cleansers.

2. Opt For A Good Skin Care Routine

In summer, oily skin can get more oily. Use a face wash suited to your skin type that can deep cleanse and remove all the dirt and grime. People with dry skin would need a non-foaming cleanser. Opt for mild, alcohol-free and pH balanced cleansers.

3. Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Hydration is key at all times during summer. You can use a hydrating mask after you wash your face at night for some extra hydration while you sleep. Splash your face frequently with water or carry a facial mist to freshen your skin at regular intervals.

4. Exfoliate For Healthy Skin

Use a face scrub at least twice a week to remove excess dirt and oil from the skin. Only, remember to use a scrub suitable for your skin type and massage the scrub gently in a circular motion. Make sure you exfoliate the lips and the neck too.

5. Drink more water& fruit juices

Your water intake in summer should be a minimum of 2-3 litres a day. Coconut water, watermelons, and fresh juices are a good way to stay hydrated. Drinking water also helps to flush the toxins from the body. Include yoghurt and buttermilk in your diet.

6. Go for seasonal fruits and vegetables

Include salads and vegetables like cucumber and lettuce in your food these help the body stay cool from within. Seasonal fruits like watermelons, musk melons; citrus fruits and juices also help keep the skin healthy.

7. Stay Away From Sugary Drinks

Sugary aerated drinks make you feel sluggish due to the excess sugar. Additionally, they don’t add any value to the body as they have no hydrating qualities. If anything, they make you unhealthier and aid in weight gain. So opt for lemonade instead of cola.

8. Wear Breathable Fabrics

Cotton is the best fabric to wear during summer. Wear light and loose clothing. Avoid tight fitting garments in synthetic fabrics. These can increase your discomfort and make you sweat more, which in turn makes the skin itchy and can lead to infections.

9. Have A Bath Twice A Day

Maintaining good hygiene is very important during summer. A cool bath in the night before you go to bed can help remove all the dirt, grime and sweat your body has accumulated during the day and prevent rashes. Both, the morning shower and a night bath, ideally should be followed with a cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine.

10. Moisturize Well

A moisturizer is vital to protect your skin in summer. You can choose a non-greasy formula based on your skin type. But look for ingredients like antioxidants like vitamins A and C. If it contains SPF, it is much better, it is best to apply a moisturizer immediately after your bath.